Thank you for pressing the button!
I just needed to see if it worked.
What? You thought this page was going to be about the press coverage we’ve had?
HA HA HA HA! Yeah right!
Serious people tend to stay clear from us … apart from the team psychologists, but then again, we ARE paying them!
And for some reason the “press” doesn’t appreciate our weird sense of humour, or maybe the Orc is just too sexy to be in print, you know, being so hot he will make the paper catch on fire. Oh well, their loss!
So, if we do appear somewhere other than scrawled on a dirty toilet wall at Go Media Stadium, we’ll let you know here.
Places Orcland FC has appeared (that does not include the pub)
Can you hear that sound … it’s the deafening sound of crickets … cri cri! cri cri!
There was absolutely no news that day and not even then did Orcland FC appeared in the news.
Correction: Due to an explosion after last night’s curry of popularity, we have received the following press coverage that has not come about because of a juicy bribe … honest!:
We’ve seen a flock of confused pigeons that is much more entertaining than their dribble.
– The Daily Snooze
Their match analysis is 90% nonsense and 10% shouting GOOOOAL at random. Avoid at all costs!
– The Goalpost Times
Their Top 10 sexiest throw-ins story was so provocative, the referee red-carded it for excessive swagger.
– The Offside Observer
And yes, we are even proud of our international coverage …
Perdí tres años de mi vida leyendo un artículo de solo tres minutos.
– Weones de Fútbol (Sounds sexy, so must be true.)
Have fun pressing other buttons!